
June 25, 2010

i sometimes wish turtles could fly

hi kids,
i've been away for awhile, painting and moving.
i've been in sad mode...... my dad died.... we are in transition.....
i'm a homebody with no home.....
and people don't slow down for turtles.
well i have probably made you sad.....i really hope not......and i remind myself and you that it will all be okay.....
thank you for looking at my blog. i will be happy when you leave me a comment :)


Hope said...

Sorry about the loss of your dad. I hope you are settled soon and feeling a bit better!

leslie said...

Loooove the flying turtle!

Sierra Pelona said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. I like your turtle. I like snails too (I've kept both turtles and snails as pets), but your skull with snails has gone missing? I hope it shows up again in your shop sometime soon. And I hope your move goes as smoothly and as stress-free as possible.

Unknown said...

I'm really sorry about your dad, I hope you're alright. You are right about the turtles- no one ever waits for them. I've never thought about it before but its very true.